Welcome to Truman State University!
In preparation for your first day of employment, here is some information that will make your transition easier.
An overview of all benefits for Truman employees is here. You can find more details by exploring our website.
For full-time employees, you can check out our benefits for medical, dental and vision coverage here. This should help provide you with the information you need to make your selections when you get to campus on your first day. We also offer additional life, disability and accident insurance coverage.
For your first day — whether you are a full-time, part-time or temporary employee — plan to visit the Human Resources Office in McClain Hall Room 101. We are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. An appointment is not necessary but is appreciated when possible.
If you need help finding us, check the campus maps here. This site includes a map of parking lots to use here on campus.
Make sure you bring the following information:
- Either your passport OR your drivers license and Social Security card. These are typically the documents used to complete the mandatory federal I-9 form. A complete list of acceptable documents is included. You are welcome to fill out Section 1 of this form ahead of time, but please be sure to bring your documents with you for verification.
- Preferred withholding information needed to complete your federal and state W-4 forms. If you’d prefer to complete these forms ahead of time, you are welcome to do so.
- Current personal information, including local address and phone number.
- Social Security numbers and birth dates for any dependents to be covered on your insurance plans.
- Contact information for the person(people) you select as your insurance beneficiaries.
- The routing number and account number for your bank so Payroll can set up your paycheck for direct deposit. You can set up your paycheck to be deposited into more than one bank account, if you choose.
- If you are a foreign national, please review this information about tax procedures for non-resident alien employees.
For full-time employees, once we have you set up in the system, you will also need to:
- Go onto TruView to register your vehicle so you will be able to pick up your parking decal(s). Under the Truman tab, you will find the link near the bottom of the page. You will need the make and model of your vehicle, plus the license plate number.
- Also in TruView under the Truman tab, you can sign up for campus Emergency Text Alerts, as well as deciding whether to include your personal information in the University directory.
- You will receive an email or a letter with instructions on completing your registration into the state retirement plan. Be sure to follow those instructions, selecting beneficiaries for your account and checking your information. You will also be able to enroll in the state-sponsored Flexible Spending Account program.
Hourly employees use TimeClock Plus to track their hours, as well as any leave time. Exempt employees use TimeClock Plus to request and track their leave time. Supervisors will also use TimeClock Plus to approve hours and leave time for their employees. Here is a reference guide for using TimeClock Plus.
If you are visiting or moving to Kirksville or the surrounding Kirksville area, here are some links to help you learn more about our community:
- Directions To Find Us
- Welcoming College Town
- City of Kirksville
- Kirksville Tourism Office
- Kirksville Chamber of Commerce
We hope this information will help you get off to a great start here at Truman! Please contact us at 660-785-4031 or at hrstaff@truman.edu with any questions.